Spring 2025 Coach Meeting Agenda
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Cafeteria
Thursday 2/27/2025 6:30 pm
Introduction of Board Members/Trustees
We are all volunteers
Spring season notes
We expect over 550 children registered in our programs this season.
We have some openings remaining and some players on the waiting list; let us know if players want to withdraw
Important Dates
March 8- Coaches deadline to submit conflict dates by 5pm to [email protected]
March 9 Coach Clinic at Finley Ray Park-12:30-1:30 – meet at concessions-
March 15- Ref Clinic10-1:30 new refs, 1:30-3 returning refs
March 17– Practices begin
March 17- Game schedules posted (email confirmation to be sent)
1st week of Sept.– Uniforms, game ball, rule book and picture schedule pick up(email confirmation to be sent)
April 5 – In house games begin (no in-house games Oct 6th- make up day for rescheduled games
May 4- make up day for rescheduled games
Coach Clinics:
Please email [email protected] to confirm your attendance. Mandatory for new head coaches
Coach Information
Field maps; Practice nights, Referee Payment Schedule, Travel Team Coach Info is posted on the website.
Concussion Education
State of Ohio law – Requirements and Training Certification.
Links to training found on our website under the Coaches tab.
Email certificate to [email protected] Applies to head coach and assistant coaches. Keep with you during practices and games. Check your expiration date if you had taken this in the past. See the “Policies” section of the website
Game Schedules
If you know you have a conflict for ONE specific game day, send requests by 3/8/25 to [email protected]
Travel Teams
SAY North prepares game schedules for inter-play travel teams. Travel teams pay all referee fees for home games only.
Head Balls – No intentional head balls permitted in Strikers and below
Ref Fees – Refer to chart on website
Help us be the best
We value your comments and suggestions. Email our website or attend our board meetings (first Monday of each month). Ask player parents to become involved in our organization – for special events or to join the board. SHARE THE FUN!!
Please check your email and our website frequently during the season
Thank you for volunteering your time for the kids! Have a great season!
Here’s to a Great Soccer Season!!!!
Spring 2025 Coach Information
Important Notes for Coaches
NWCCSAY/Milford Soccer Website
Our website contains a lot of valuable information. The Coach Info link has rules, games, sample practice schedules, etc. Our Policies link has Code of Conduct rules, Park rules and more. Practice and game schedules are available online.
All Head and Assistant Coaches - All adults having contact with the kids must complete a coach application. If a parent from the team volunteers to help, let us know your assistant(s) & ask them to submit an online app.
Player Information - Please contact your players as soon as possible.
If you email, ask for a response to make sure they received it (spam) and if they don’t respond, please call. Players may not be switched from the assigned team. Make sure parents know your name and where to find you for the first practice.
Times Two Policy – At least 2 adults must be present (near the team) at all team functions, including games, practices, picnics or end of season parties.
Lightning rule
We have a lightning prediction system. If the detector sounds or if you see a flash or hear thunder, you must leave the field and get in your car. Wait until the all clear is sounded or 30 minutes after the last occurrence before going back to the fields. Coaches (with their teams) who do not leave the field in this situation will be reviewed by the Code of Conduct Committee and may face suspension for the season. Safety of the children must come first. This applies to games and practices.
Rescheduling Games
Must be approved. Seven day notice required. Only one (1) reschedule per team. If you cancel a game and do not notify us, your team is responsible for paying the fees for the referee who was scheduled to referee that game.
Practice/Game Info
Practices start March 17th for non-travel teams, 8 Games, wrap up May 17 & 18.
Field Closure: Updated on our website under field status(make sure you click the refresh button) or follow facebook: Millford Youth Soccer Association
Finley Ray Park is rarely closed due to weather. The website (Cancellation Alerts) facebook will be updated if the decision is made to close the park. (Weekdays by 4:00-4:30 p.m.; Weekends by 7:00-7:30 a.m.) As a coach, you may choose to cancel practice even if the park is open.
Practice Fields/Weeknight Games
Teams get 1/2 field for practice. The park is not open until 5:00. Check the ref schedule on the website (Referee Info) each week for weeknight games. Due to the high number of teams/limited field space, weeknight games will rarely be scheduled, but if so, games take priority over practices. Move to another available field or find some open green space. Please use the entire field during practices – not just the goal area and middle of the field. Do not allow players to dig ruts or kill the grass in the field.
All players except for the Minors and Seniors divisions will receive Jerseys and socks. Match the size to what they have ordered. If the player was registered late, uniform size requests are not guaranteed. If you have extra shirts/socks, please return them to the concession stand with your team number indicated. Minors and Seniors Divisions will receive T-shirts and socks. Travel teams will have assigned jersey numbers that allign with the rosters we submit to SAY North. Please make sure the correct number is given to the correct player.
We have a lot of experienced refs and many new, young refs. Let them do their job - write comments (positive and negative) on the game card. Please let us know if you are interested in helping us give new referees some experience by letting them ref some scrimmages. Refs will be scheduled for upper level games first. Teams are responsible for paying refs and coaches should collect money from the team. See the ref payment handout for how much to collect and who pays referees. If you have problems with the collection, please let us know.
Background Checks:
All coaches with any felony or misdemeanor conviction must be screened by SAY National’s current preferred provider https://refserve2.com/club/gettingStarted.cfm?mid=d0162dab-1c27-412b-8a02-bbd1be3a9eaf&cid=547
SAY members who have contact with athletes must successfully complete the USOC SafeSport or comparable alternative training prior to participating in SAY activities. A refresher course is required in year two (2), three (3), and four (4). The full training must be completed again in year five (5).
https://safesporttrained.org/#/public-dashboard Access Code YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M
Concussion Training:
Must be completed by each coach, once every 3 years